Who We Are

It is our desire in the Southern New England Ministry Network, to equip you for the ministry assignment that God has for you. We know there are a lot of ways to prepare for ministry. Traditionally two avenues are chosen, Bible College/Seminary or home correspondence. We are offering a third option; School of Ministry.

The SNE School of Ministry is for the leader who is working a full time job but is interested in ministry training. It is also for the person looking to strengthen their leadership skills and become more effective as they serve in this ever-changing culture. And of course, School of Ministry is beneficial for those called to vocational ministry, serving as a pipeline to credentials.

How it Works

SNE Ministry Network’s School of Ministry is designed with flexibility to allow someone to obtain practical ministerial and deep theological education, all while maintaining their current employment.  Each course combines roughly 15 hours of guided self-study (completing a provided study guide), and a single day of class time with fellow students and a professor who is actively in ministry.   

A student may begin taking courses from the School of Ministry at any time of the year and doesn’t have to wait for the start of a new semester.  Students who are interested in obtaining credentials, will need to complete each level of courses and internships that correspond to the credential level they are seeking. Click here to see the educational requirements for each level.

Course Levels





NON Credential


Course Level




Course Level


To complete a level 100, 200, or 300 level course the student must:

  1. Register for the class online.
  2. Purchase the corresponding book.
  3. Download the study guide.
  4. Attend the class.

To complete a level the student must:

  1. Complete all courses for that level.
  2. Complete their internships.

Students are welcome to take whatever classes are most helpful to them.

Academic Schedule

2024 - 2025

Select the appropriate button below to view the schedule for your preferred group of classes.

Let's Get Started!

Step 1. Register for the Next Class

Registration closes two weeks before the SOM course date.

*Effective 7.1.21: The required courses for the Certification level have changed. Please click here to see the revised list in English, or click here for Spanish.

Step 2. Purchase Your Books

At SNE School of Ministry we provide an expedited process allowing you to order and receive your books online.

To purchase your books for your upcoming courses, please click the button below.

Once on the site, in the ‘Textbook Finder’…

1. Select ‘Southern New England’ under District

2. Next under Program, select the SOM level course you are taking (i.e. Certified, License, Ordained)

3. Lastly, select the month of the course you are taking—this will provide the appropriate book for your course

* Books are also available on Amazon.

Step 3. Download Your Study Guide

The Study Guide is an aid in preparing for the class.  It MUST be completed BEFORE arrival for each SOM class.  Upon arrival, the Study Guide will be collected and graded.  If the student does not have a completed Study Guide they will not be able to complete the class that month.

Step 4. Attend the Class

All School of Ministry classes will be held one Saturday a month at the Network Office.

Lunch will be provided to all students.  Please find the location information below.

Step 5. Internships

Internships are a requirement for those who wish to apply for credentials and enable our School of Ministry students to:

  • Confirm God’s call
  • Develop Christ like character
  • Gain competencies of ethical and effective ministry
  • Develop personal disciplines essential to successful life and ministry

The internships provide guided “hands on” ministry experiences, interaction with qualified mentors/coaches, reading and exercise of personal spiritual disciplines.

Complete information on internships for all three levels of credentialing can be found in their respective SNEMN Internship Booklets: