paths of kingdom growth

Church STARting
Do you feel called to start a new church in Southern New England? Do you desire to see communities changed and lives transformed by the power of the Gospel? If God is calling you to start a church, then we are here to support you.

“Therefore Go…” Those words are a life mission to take the Gospel of Jesus to every corner of the world. Not only will these words change your life, but the lives of those you encounter. What an amazing honor we have to be part of His story!

Chi Alpha
Our mission is to reconcile students to Christ, equipping them through spirit-filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship, and mission to transform the university, the marketplace and the world.
Director of Missions: Rev. Selwyn Bodley
Selwyn Bodley is an ordained minister, serving as the Director of Mission for the Southern New England Ministry Network. He is passionate about missions and mobilizing the local church to effectively build the Kingdom of God.
Before entering ministry, Selwyn was a staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army serving with the 3rd Ranger Battalion and the 82nd Airborne Division. In 2000, God called him and his family to Zion Bible College to prepare for ministry. Over the last 20 years, they have served as a Youth Pastor’s, Associate Pastor’s, Lead Pastors and World Missionaries.
Selwyn Bodley
Director of Missions
Phone: 781-228-3842