World Missions
World Missions
It takes a team effort to effectively accomplish World Missions. First, the amazing Missionaries that answer the call to go and second the wonderful churches of Southern New England that prayerfully and financially send them! Below are a few ways you can engage in World Missions.

Become a Missionary
Schedule a Missionary
Thank you for your desire to partner in the Great Commission! If you are a church looking to support and or schedule a missionary to speak, please contact us for a current list of Itinerating missionaries.
Support a Missionary
Supporting our missionaries to go and reach the lost both at home and abroad is a core function of the Assemblies of God. Here in Southern New England, it is our honor to financially support so many remarkable men and women who have answered that call. If you or your church are interested in learning more about our Network missionaries and how you might begin to support them, please contact our Director of Multiplication, Selwyn Bodley or click below to establish your Faith Promise and begin financially supporting a missionary today.
Selwyn Bodley
Director of Multiplication
Phone: 508-248-3711