Women of Influence

Women of Influence exists to develop leaders within the local church, and to resource and equip women’s groups all throughout the Network. Our desire is to encourage, equip, and empower women as we live vulnerably in the community with one another.

Women of Influence Conference

Our annual Women of Influence Conference for “Every Woman” is usually held in November. Hundreds of women gather from all over Southern New England to join together in sisterhood and community.

Through worship, relevant teaching, and intentional connection – we experienced life change. For many, this weekend becomes a memorializing moment where God comforts and challenges us in our journey with Him.

The format and structure of the conference varies based off of theme and purpose for that given year. We seek God’s direction for each year. God, what do you have for us this year?

This year we won’t be holding a conference in person due to the current health crisis, but are looking into other ways to engage as Women of Influence.

Conference Theme: Entrusted with Treasure

The Bible says that we hold a treasure in jars of clay…think of it…Christ Jesus lives within us. Scripture says the same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead lives within us. We are simple jars of clay. Some of us may feel tattered or torn. We get frustrated by the simple state of our “jar of clay”. And, yet, we are reminded that it is “no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me”.  We are walking in victory with the power of Christ Jesus. Not just for ourselves, but that we may be on mission as God works to redeem all humanity back to himself. We must stand firm. We must become immovable in this world. We must learn what it truly means to be “in the world, but not of the world”.

Influence One Day

Influence One Day is a conference for “every woman”. Every woman influences someone. We lead in our homes, workplaces, communities, and churches. If you want to grow in your influence and leadership, this event is for you! This one day retreat away is a time for soul and spiritual formation.

We will explore themes such as soul care, self care, and spiritual formation – most importantly the integration of our spiritual and emotional health so that we can better lead and love others for Christ.

This is a day for you to break away from the schedule and roles, discover sisterhood, and grow as one who influences others for Christ!

One Day normally takes place in June at Southern New England Ministry Network.

Love Generously Missions

Love Generously (previously known as Love Line) is the Women of Influence missions efforts in the US and abroad. We work in partnership with the Southern New England Ministry Network. We give financial care and other kinds of support to the following:

  1. Foreign and US Missionaries

  2. Southern New England Church Planters

  3. Southern New England Non-profits and Parachurch Ministries

  4. Benevolence Fund for Women in Need (primarily related to event attendance)

  5. Administration Fees (percentage each given each year for administration and processing costs)

We announce the new project each year at our annual conference.
Some of our past projects include (but not limited to):

  • Southern New England missionaries

  • Special projects such as Real Kidz in Boston, MA

  • Various Southern New England church plants

  • Project Rescue

  • Selah Ministries in India

  • Sponsoring women, so that they can attend the annual women’s conference

We receive recommendations from the network office, section reps, and the National Women’s Ministries department. Primarily, however, much prayer, thought, and leadership discussion occurs for the final decision. The final decision is approved by the Network Office Leadership.

Women of Influence overall mission’s goals are set by early fall of the prior year, and then announced at the November conference. (For example, 2018’s goal is set in the Fall of 2017 and the goals are announced at the November 2018 conference where pledges are made.)

  1. Local church women’s groups may collectively make a group pledge (goal of funds raised). They work together through their local church offerings and fundraising events to meet this goal.
  2. Individuals desiring to make personal pledges or one-time gifts.
  3. One time gifts or sponsorships from various businesses or ministries.
  4. Offerings at various district women’s events.

We are so excited to come alongside two powerful missions efforts!
1. Selwyn and Lori Bodley – Southern New England Ministry Network Missionaries

They will be working with the Network to accomplish the following for missions in SNEMN:

  • Missionary Care – (holistic support of our SNEMN missionaries)

  • Helping build missions awareness in our local churches (equipping and resourcing)

  • Network Missions’ Initiatives (going deep in different areas of World Missions to do long term support)

Network Missions’ Initiatives (going deep in different areas of World Missions to do long term support) or large makes an impact! You can also support the work by inviting Lori or Selwyn to share with your women’s group. Their heart is also teaching and helping others engage in missions as well!

2. National Women’s Ministry, Light the Way Project 2020: Calcutta Mercy

Visit https://women.ag.org/ for more information and videos!

We raised around $32,000 for missions in 2019! Below is a list of the projects supported!

  • US Focus: Teen Challenge Rhode Island, Bloom Teen Challenge, and Amirah New England

  • Southern New England missions project: Max and Lauren Brockmeyer

Hands-On Project:

  • We joined together with Bloom Teen Challenge to paint their residence in April 2019!

At the 2017 conference, we casted vision to you, local women’s ministries throughout Southern New England, to join together to raise funds for each of our US Missionaries here in Southern New England. In addition, many of our local women’s ministries participated in our first ever adopt-a-missionary program.

We are so excited to share that due to your generosity – we are able to give $1000 to each of our 22 US Missionaries that were serving in 2018.

SNE Women of Influence Lead Team:

Network Director
Rev. Christan Causey
Paulette Toews
Achley Reyes
Abbie Stetson
Claudia Hernandez-Araus
Tina Sorel
Rhode Island
Kathy Trafford
Quianna Zaetz
Joy Solomon

Ministry Director: Rev. Christan Causey

Christan Causey is an Ordained Minister and is the Network Women’s Director for SNEMN. She and her husband Brad, have three beautiful, young children. They have been ministering in New England for over 8 years, and currently are taking on the adventerous calling to be church planters!

Christan believes that God wants to equip and empower women to know and be known by Him, and as a result to love and lead well.  If you want to discover more about Christan and her ministry, you can delve deep into her blog at: GraceFindsMe.com

Christan Causey
Women’s Ministry Director
Phone: 508-248-3711 x751