testpage Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Student's Name *FirstLastEmail *Final Exam – 101 Hermeneutics – How to Interpret the BibleTEXT: Living by the Book by Howard Hendricks True or False1. Listening to preaching and teaching is an example of being under the Word.TrueFalse2. Being in the Word is needed for the believer to be transformed by the Word.TrueFalse3. Being in the Word is a means of spiritual groWth, spiritual maturity and becoming a servant.TrueFalse4. Placing a verse in context does not impact the message of the verse.TrueFalse5. Two keys to reading the Bible is being patient with the text and yourself.TrueFalse6. Biblical meditation focuses on filling your mind with the truth God has revealed.TrueFalse7. The basic unit of study is the verse. TrueFalse8. Telescopic reading is seeing the small picture. TrueFalse9. A simile is a figure of speech, a word picture which draws a comparison between two things. TrueFalse10. A well-constructed chart tends to be memorable TrueFalse11. According to Hendricks, the most important directive in biblical study is Look! Look! Look! TrueFalse12. Meaning is our subjective thoughts read into the text. TrueFalse13. Interpretation in biblical study is developing the super structure.TrueFalse14. The unpardonable sin of biblical interpretation is ignorance of what the text says. TrueFalse15. Application answers the question: "What do I preach?" TrueFalse16. The teachings of major cults is a violation of the principle of context.TrueFalse17. Comparing Scripture with Scripture distorts Scripture. TrueFalse18. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human features or actions to God. TrueFalse19. The first step toward spiritual growth is insight into the passage and yourself.TrueFalse20. A principle is a succinct statement of a universal truth.TrueFalse21. When we are starving spiritually we should just go to church more. TrueFalse22. A segment is a collection of paragraphs united by a common theme. TrueFalse23. The Psalms were basically meant to be just read.TrueFalse24. All of the books of the Bible are the same and are interpreted by the same rulesTrueFalse25. When interpreting the Bible use the literal sense of the text unless there is some good reason not to. TrueFalse26. The amount of space given to a subject is a way of emphasizing something.TrueFalse27. When interpreting the Bible use the figurative sense of the text if a literal meaning is impossible or absurd. TrueFalseMultiple Choice28. Which of the following is NOT a clue as you study the scripture? a. Things that are emphasizedb. Things that are repeatedc. Things that are relatedd. Things that are appealing29. Which of the following is NOT a road block to overcome in our understanding of a text?a. Languageb. Agec. Cultured. Communication30. Which of the following is NOT a context to be considered when interpreting a passage? a. Literaryb. Historicalc. Sociald. Theological31. Which of the following is NOT a literary structure to look for? a. Theologicalb. Chronologicalc. Ideologicald. GeographicalFill in the BlanksGuidelines to help determine if our perception of a principle is accurate. 32. Principles should correlate with the general teaching of ____________. a. Scriptureb. The Textbookc. Hermeneuticsd. The Instructor33. Principles should speak to the needs, interest, questions and problems of ___________.a. Peopleb. Todayc. Real lifed. Everyone34. Principles should indicate a course of _____________. a. Directionb. Actionc. Emotiond. DoctrineMatch the Genre with the descriptions:(Each of the following answers are only used once)35. A straight forward argument or explanation of Truth A. ApocalypticB. ExpositionC. Narrative and BiographyD. ParablesE. Poetry36. Genesis, Ruth, Samuel and The Acts of the Apostles are examples of this genre A. ApocalypticB. ExpositionC. Narrative and BiographyD. ParablesE. Poetry37. Brief tale or saying that illustrates a moral principle A. ApocalypticB. ExpositionC. Narrative and BiographyD. ParablesE. Poetry38. Lyrical writings which use emotion, imagination, worshipful and praiseworthy. A. ApocalypticB. ExpositionC. Narrative and BiographyD. ParablesE. Poetry39. The book of Revelation is a special type of prophetic literature known as A. ApocalypticB. ExpositionC. Narrative and BiographyD. ParablesE. PoetryMultiple Choice40. Which of the following is NOT a clue as you study the scripture? a. Things that are emphasizedb. Things that are repeatedc. Things that are relatedd. Things that are appealing41. Which of the following is not a literary structure to look for? a. Theologicalb. Chronologicalc. Ideologicald. Geographical42. Among the questions that need to be asked of Scripture do NOT include: a. Who?b. What?c. How?d. When?43. According to Hendricks, spiritual starvation is best satisfied by: a. A change of dietb. Eating morec. Learning to fishd. None of the above44. Which type of genre is described as a 'short, pithy statement of a moral truth?' a. Historicalb. Proverbc. Propheticd. None of the above45. Which is NOT an approach to be used in Scripture? a. Observationb. Interpretationc. Applicationd. ImaginationMatching:(Each of the following answers are only used once) 46. A literary structure a. A comparison not using “as” or “like”b. A succinct statement of a universal truthc. A declaration of the author’s intentd. Ideologicale. a comparison using “as” or “like”47. Purpose as a law of structure a. A comparison not using “as” or “like”b. A succinct statement of a universal truthc. A declaration of the author’s intentd. Ideologicale. a comparison using “as” or “like”48. Metaphor a. A comparison not using “as” or “like”b. A succinct statement of a universal truthc. A declaration of the author’s intentd. Ideologicale. a comparison using “as” or “like”49. Simile a. A comparison not using “as” or “like”b. A succinct statement of a universal truthc. A declaration of the author’s intentd. Ideologicale. a comparison using “as” or “like”50. Principle a. A comparison not using “as” or “like”b. A succinct statement of a universal truthc. A declaration of the author’s intentd. Ideologicale. a comparison using “as” or “like”When complete and you are ready to send in your test, hit the "Submit Exam" button below.WebsiteSubmit Exam