Ordained Minister’s Reference for an Ordination Upgrade Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Thank you for your help!We were referred to you as one acquainted with the applicant and competent to express a trustworthy opinion regarding the applicant’s qualifications to fill the sacred trust of an ordained minister. We value your judgment and appreciate your cooperation. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Your reply will be regarded as confidential. (Note: the Authorization and Release forms signed by the applicant and spouse are on file in the district office. These guarantee that the applicant will not be aware of your responses.)Applicant's Name *FirstLastYour Name *FirstLastIf No, please indicate the fellowship:Your Daytime Phone *Your Email *Name of Church1. I am an Ordained Minister *YesNoOrdained with the AG? *YesNo2. How have you known the applicant? *PersonallySociallyCasuallyProfessionally3. Are you related to the applicant? *YesNo4. How long have you known the applicant? *0-1 year1-3 years3-5 years5-10+ years5. How has the applicant participated in church life? *6. How would you describe the applicant's spiritual maturity? *Very goodGoodAveragePoorVery poorDon't know7. How has the applicant displayed a divine call to ministry in their life and leadership? *No opportunity to observe.8. How has the applicant evidenced a durable commitment to continue in ministry? *No opportunity to observe.9. If applicable, how would you describe the applicant's family life? *Very well-adjustedWell-adjustedAdjustedStrainedVery strainedDon't knowBriefly explain:10. How has the applicant participated in ongoing education opportunities (Formal Education, conference, workshops, etc.)? *How has the applicant participated in ongoing education opportunities (Formal Education, conference, workshops, etc.)?No opportunity to observe.11. Describe how the applicant has effectively communicated the gospel message. *Describe how the applicant has effectively communicated the gospel message.No opportunity to observe.12. Describe how the applicant has been effective in leadership. *Describe how the applicant has been effective in leadership.No opportunity to observe.13. Describe how the applicant has been effective in personal ministry to others. *Describe how the applicant has been effective in personal ministry to others.No opportunity to observe.14. Would you without hesitation vouch for and recommend that the applicant be granted credentials for ordained ministry? *YesWith reservationNot at this timePlease fully explain your answer. If you said “Not at this time” please articulate what the applicant would need to do for you to say “yes.” *15. Further comments:Signature *By typing my name here, I am digitally signing this document, I hereby certify that all statements provided are true and correct.PhoneSubmit Reference Form