Minister Care
The Southern New England Ministry Network is passionate about coming alongside our ministry leaders in both care and support. Our Minister Care department seeks to provide diverse resources to support SNE ministry leaders in healthy life and ministry.
Healthy leaders grow healthy communities. We desire to provide support and accountability to help SNEMN ministry leaders grow in health. Through a culture of vulnerability and compassion, we are committed to offering holistic care to ministry leaders. Minister Care addresses core areas we believe are vital to grow as a healthy, whole leader: minister health, relational health, and financial health.
- We desire to resource ministry leaders in developing intentional care for their whole self, relationships, and ministry.
- We desire to enrich the health of ministry leaders by assisting in support during difficult ministry seasons.
- We desire to restore ministry leaders in crisis by providing a redemptive restoration plan.
Featured Resource: John 17:23 Groups
If you are interested in learning more about joining a John 17:22 group or are considering another resource related to your wellbeing, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Director of Minister Care: Rev. Christan Causey
Christan Causey is an ordained minister, serving as the Director of Minister Care for the Southern New England Ministry Network. She is passionate about serving as a pastor, counselor, teacher, and writer focused on helping others integrate their whole self to experience God’s grace and transformation from the inside out. With an M.A. in Human Services Counseling, and a concentration in Marriage and Family Ministry, Christan is passionate about ministering through soul care and supporting ministry leaders in spiritual and emotional health.
Phone: (508) 248-3711 x751

Minister Health
“Truly, the best thing any of us have to bring to leadership is our own transforming selves.”
― Ruth Haley Barton, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry
The most important character trait a minister can bring to the world is their individual pursuit of wholeness and health in Christ. While our leadership strengths and abilities matter, it is our character and inner life that will most impact those we serve. We engage in this pursuit by creating intentional rhythms to tend to our inner life, spiritual practices, mental/emotional health, and more. SNE Ministry Network desires to provide care and resource to support our ministers in the pursuit of wholeness and health.
We are committed to providing resources related to the following areas:
- Spiritual Health
- Emotional Health
- Mental Health
- Relational Health
- Sexual Health
- Financial Health
For any questions or other specific needs, please contact the Director of Minister Care, Christan Causey.
Financial Health
We want to see our SNE ministers equipped to live in financial freedom. As ministers, we hope to steward the monies God entrusts to us. Ministerial financial planning can help us do that, both professionally and personally. Below are a few financial resources we recommend.
Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University
Provides a variety of resources related to personal finance budgeting, planning for the future, and more. Explore their website for more resources or experience Financial Peace University.
Clergy Financial Resources
They provide tax expertise on the complex issues associated with clergy tax law, clergy tax preparation, clergy compensation, and church payroll and HR Solutions.
“A leader is a person who must take special responsibility for what’s going on inside him or herself, inside his or her consciousness, lest the act of leadership create more harm than good.” – Parker Palmer
As ministers, it is important we implement intentional practices and rhythms to care for not only our spiritual health, but our emotional, relational, and mental wellbeing. While many diverse resources are available, we want to help bring your attention to important and helpful tools. We have provided a varied amount of recommendations related to counseling databases, books, podcasts, and more. If you do not see what you are looking for here, please contact the Minister Care office.
Care Resources List for SNEMN Ministers
Many diverse resources are available to support the health of ministers. The research of those resources can become overwhelming. We have created a guide to help you start finding the best place of support for you or your family. In this guide, you will find diverse forms of support available in the Southern New England region. This list is not exhaustive and SNE Ministry Network has not personally vetted each resource. The list will receive updates periodically.
Looking for a counselor?
Counseling or therapy can be of great benefit to the minister or their family. We want to make the task of finding a counselor a bit easier, if we can. We can help through the following:
1. Check out our Community Guide to Helping Resources. It includes multiple Christian Counseling databases to choose from, and some individual counseling referrals.
Do you have a counseling recommendation to share?
We always appreciate counseling recommendations and referrals from our network. Fill out the form below to share your recommendation.
Do you want to join our SNE Community Guide?
If you provide helping services such as counseling, spiritual direction, coaching, etc. and would like to be considered to be added to our Community Guide, fill out this application form for more information.