Lead Pastor’s Reference Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.“I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis.” Colossians 4:13 (NIV) Someone from your ministry has submitted an application for ministerial credentials with the Southern New England Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God. As the applicant’s Pastor, and one acquainted with their ministry, we ask your honest opinion regarding their qualifications to fill the sacred trust as a minister of the Gospel. We value your judgment and appreciate your cooperation. Thank you for taking the time to complete this form as fully as possible. Feel free to attach extra sheets if needed to fully answer any of the questions.Applicant's Name *FirstLast1. How have you known the applicant? *PersonallySociallyCasuallyProfessionally2. Are you related to the applicant? *YesNo3. How long have you known the applicant?0 - 1 year1 - 3 years3 - 5 years5 - 10+ years4. How frequently does the applicant attend church? *RegularlyOccasionallySeldomDon't Know5. In your opinion, does the applicant actively serve or volunteer in ministry? *AlwaysOftenSeldomNeverDon't Know6. In what ways has the applicant served or volunteered in ministry? *7. In your observation does the applicant have a consistent devotional life? *YesNoDon't Know8. Does the applicant give evidence of living a spirit-filled life? *YesNoDon't Know9. Does the applicant have a record of consistent tithing support of the local church? *YesNoDon't Know10. If you do not have knowledge of their tithing participation, who would have knowledge of this record?11. What are the applicant's greatest strengths as it relates to their ministry role?12. What are the areas that the applicant needs to grow?13. If applicable, how would you describe the applicant's marriage? *Not ApplicableVery Well-AdjustedWell AdjustedAdjustedStrainedVery StrainedDon't Know14. If applicable, how would you describe the applicant's parenting skills? *Not ApplicableVery CapableCapableAveragePoorVery PoorDon't Know15. If applicable, how would you describe the applicant's children? *Not ApplicableVery Well-BehavedWell-BehavedAveragePoorly BehavedVery Poorly BehavedDon't Know16. Please rate the applicant in the following categories:Teachable *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowAuthentic *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowDependable *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowAble to Inspire Others *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowCapable *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowAble to Manage Conflict *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowShows Care and Concern for Others *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowShows Respect for Leadership *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowSelf-Aware *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't KnowAble to Keep Confidence *OutstandingVery GoodAverageFairPoorDon't Know17. How would you describe the applicant's spiritual maturity? *Very goodGoodAveragePoorVery poorDon't Know18. Was the applicant's call into ministry evident to you? *YesNoIf so, how? Please be specific19. Please check all the words below which you believe accurately describe the applicant: *TimidNervousMatureInnovativeKindAbrasiveGentleLovingSarcasticCongenialSelfishTrustworthyImpatientTactfulPatientStubbornSecureMotivatedTeam-playerSocially AwkwardCompassionateStudiousConsiderateOrganizedImpulsiveIntelligentInsecureHonestRelaxedAngryVerbalDeliberate20. Would you without hesitation vouch for and recommend that the applicant be granted credentials for ministry? *YesWith ReservationNot at this timePlease fully explain your answer. If you said, “Not at this time” please articulate what the applicant would need to do for you to say “yes.”As the applicant’s Pastor, the Network would like you to be part of this process. Are you willing to vouch for the applicant and accompany him/her to their credential interview? *YesNoIf you are not willing to vouch for the applicant and accompany him/her to their credential interview, please explain:21. Is there anything else about the applicant that we should consider?INFORMATION RELATIVE TO APPLICANT'S SPOUSEApplicant's Marital Status:MarriedNot MarriedSpouse's NameFirstLast22. How have you known the applicant's spouse?PersonallySociallyCasuallyProfessionally23. Are you related to the applicant's spouse?YesNo24. How frequently does he / she attend church?RegularlyOccaisionallySeldomDon't Know25. In your opinion, does he / she actively serve of volunteer ministry?AlwaysOftenSeldomNeverDon't Know26. If applicable, how would you describe his / her parenting skills? (copy) *Very CapableCapableAveragePoorVery PoorDon't Know27. How would you describe his/her spiritual maturity?Very GoodGoodAveragePoorVery PoorDon't Know28. Please check all the words below which you believe accurately describe him / her:TimidNervousMatureDeliberateKindAbrasiveGentleLovingSarcasticCongenialSelfishTrustworthyImpatientTactfulPatientStubbornSecureMotivatedModestSocially AwkwardCompassionateStudiousConsiderateOrganizedImpulsiveIntelligentInsecureHonestRelaxedAngry29. How well do you judge his / her ability to keep confidence?Very GoodGoodAveragePoorVery PoorDon't Know30. Is there anything else about the applicant's spouse that we should consider?Pastor's InformationPastor's Name *FirstLastName of Church *Church AddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2City--- Select state ---AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingStateZip CodePastor's Cell Phone *Pastor's Email *Pastor's Signature *By typing my name here, I am digitally signing this document, I hereby certify that all statements provided are true and correct.WebsiteSubmit Reference Form