How it Works
All first time credential candidates must submit a pre-application questionnaire to the SNEMN credentialing office and it must be approved by your sectional Presbyter and your Pastor prior to officially starting the application process.
Once the pre-application questionnaire is received, next steps will be communicated.

Those who indicate God's call to ministry, manifest a desire to enter the ministry by engaging in Christian work and, who devote a part of his or her time to Christian service may be recognized as Certified Ministers. They shall be involved in some type of viable ministry. Whenever possible are to remain under the supervision of a pastor.

Those who exhibit clear evidence of a call to ministry and practical experience in preaching, together with an evident purpose to devote one’s life to ministry, are eligible for licensing. They shall be involved in some type of viable ministry. This credential can lead to Ordination. A minister must hold a license for two consecutive years to be qualified to apply for ordination.

Those who give proof of their call and whose mature ministry qualifies them for a wide range of leadership responsibilities in the full-time ministry. Applicants must be at least 23 years of age, be in full-time ministry and have been a Licensed Minister for two consecutive years.
Local Church Credential
At the 2003 General Council, provision was made for the granting of a local church credential. The local church credential shall be non-transferable (limited to the issuing local church) and shall be limited to 2 years. A person holding a local church credential can perform the ordinances and ceremonies (sacerdotal functions) of the church if authorized in writing by the senior pastor of the local church issuing the credential.
Credential Requirements
The following qualifications are required for all credential applicants:
Personal Experience
A testimony of accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, a confirmation of being “born-again”. (John 3:5).
Water Baptism
Affirmation of having been baptized in water by immersion. (Matthew 28:19).
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
A testimony as to having experienced the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues according to Acts 2:4.
Evidence of Divine Call
Clear evidence of a divine call to the ministry that is:
- Evidenced by a personal conviction
- Confirmed by the work of the Spirit
- Affirmed by the testimony of fellow ministers
Christian Character
A blameless Christian life and a good report evidenced and witnessed by believers and unbelievers. (Titus 1:7; I Timothy 3:7).
Lifestyle Choices
All applicants must state a willingness to abstain from using tobacco, alcohol, illegal or recreational drugs in any form, and involvement with pornography or gambling.
Doctrinal Stance
An understanding and agreement with the Assemblies of God doctrinal position as defined in the Assembly of God Statement of 16 Fundamental Truths.
Commitment to the Fellowship
An active commitment to the Assemblies of God constitutional directives evidenced by a cooperative spirit.
The General Council Bylaws (Article VII, Section 2, paragraph h) indicate that formal academic achievement is not a requirement for credentials; however, credentials applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Successfully complete equivalent coursework to that referenced in paragraph “2” below either in an endorsed Assemblies of God postsecondary school, or in a seminary, college, Bible college, district school of ministry, or school approved by the district credentials committee; or
- Successfully complete courses, prescribed by the General Presbytery, offered in correspondence through Global University—Berean School of the Bible (see list as follows).
For applicants who completed coursework at an endorsed Assemblies of God college as a biblical studies major, ministerial studies major, or other church-related major as defined by the Commission on Christian Higher Education (which includes a course on Assemblies of God History, Missions and Governance), the following apply:
Certified Minister — 2 years of coursework (~ 48hrs.)
Licensed Minister — 3 years of coursework (~ 72hrs.)
Ordained Minister — 4 years of coursework (~ 96hrs.)
For applicants who completed coursework at an endorsed Assemblies of God college in a non-biblical studies or non-ministry related major, a transcript evaluation will be employed to determine what classes can be considered educational equivalents for coursework as noted in the list which follows.
*Please note, if you are applying for a License Credential, all of the Certified courses must also be completed. In the same way, for Ordination all License and Certified courses must be completed.
Credential Minister Exams
Exams Needed
- Certified Level: Bible Knowledge & Doctrine
- Licensed & Ordained Levels: Bible Knowledge, Doctrine, & Polity
The Southern New England Ministry Network Office will create and send you a finalized schedule with your exam details. To assist you in preparing, please see each exam synopsis below:
Note: You will need the zoom link, internet access and a computer device with a camera to take your exams. If you are missing any of these items, please notify us to discuss next steps.
Additionally, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for further details on this process.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
By action of their respective deliberative bodies, ministers are expected to give financial support to the Southern New England Ministry Network and the General Council of the Assemblies of God. Southern New England AG ministers send *100% of their tithe on all income, on a monthly basis, to the Network Offce, and support the General Council as noted in the Bylaws excerpts below.
*100% except noted ministers in the SNEMN Bylaws
Southern New England Ministry Network Bylaws:
Each credential holder shall send, once a month, to the district headquarters 100 percent of his or her tithes from all sources of income. Certified ministers, who are not on staff, shall send monthly 25 percent of their tithes from all sources of income. Senior retired ministers are free to distribute their tithes in the manner of their choosing. Each year in the first week of December, the treasurer shall send a statement of the credential holder’s giving for the past year with a questionnaire that must be returned before his or her credential is renewed. Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for the Renewal of Credentials of all active credential holders. If contributions are in arrears, an opportunity shall be given to meet this deficit with the renewal. Credential holders working outside the district shall contribute 50 percent of their tithes to the Southern New England District. A minister who has an arrangement with his/her local church or ministry to forward his/her tithes/dues directly to the Network Office is responsible to see that this is done on a timely basis.
General Council Bylaws Article VII. Ministry, Section 10. f.
Support of Headquarters. The work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in U.S. and world missions fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the executive officers and offices.
The required minimum is:
Ordained – $25 per month ($300 per year)
Licensed – $20 per month ($240 per year)
Certified – $10 per month ($120 per year)
Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for renewal of credentials of all active ministers. If their contributions are in arrears, they shall be given opportunity to meet this deficit with their renewal.
Start the Credential Process
The process starts when you complete the pre-application questionnaire.
Managing Your Credentials
Credentials granted through the Southern New England Ministry Network by the General Council of the Assemblies of God are renewed on an annual basis, by December 31st of each year. Our Network’s preferred method of renewing each year is online through the General Council’s automated renewal system which sends your Renewal Form to your email address. You will be able to renew electronically using your AG Passport. Renewing online helps us effectively process your renewal in an expedited manner.
In addition, Renewal forms can be downloaded from the General Secretary’s website after November 1st, and hard copies are sent to ministers shortly thereafter.
A link to the current online tithing verification form will be emailed to each credential holder in the last quarter of the year.
The following excerpts from the General Council Bylaws address credential renewals:
General Council Bylaws Article VII, Section 10, Credential Renewals…
b. Expiration date. All fellowship certificates are valid only until December 31st of each year and must be renewed annually. The renewing of credentials is the responsibility of the individual minister.
The minister is to complete the form, taking care to answer all questions and sign the form. The renewal along with any outstanding tithe, should be mailed to the Southern New England Ministry Network postmarked no later than December 31st of each year. If General Council dues are owed, please include a separate check made payable to the General Council.
Certified Upgrade to License
A credential upgrade to License is for those who are currently Certified with The General Council of the Assemblies of God.
The following text from the General Council Bylaws provides qualifications for the licensed minister:
Specific Qualifications (GC Bylaws Article VII, Section 3. d)
Licensed minister. Qualifications for license shall include clear evidence of a divine call, character and preparation suitable for that calling, practical ministry experience, and an evident purpose to devote one’s life in service to the proclamation of the gospel.
All credential upgrade candidates must complete the pre-application questionnaire for the SNEMN credentialing office and it must be approved by your sectional Presbyter and your Pastor prior to officially starting the credential upgrade application process.
Once the pre-application questionnaire is received, next steps will be communicated.
Licensed Upgrade to Ordination
A License upgrade to Ordination is for those who are currently Licensed with The General Council of the Assemblies of God.
The following text from the General Council Bylaws provides qualifications for the licensed minister:
Specific Qualifications (GC Bylaws Article VII, Section 3. e)
Ordained minister. Applicants must be 23 years of age or older.
No person may be ordained to the ministry until he or she has shown evidence of a divine call and has held ministry license and has been actively engaged in ministry and proclamation of the gospel for at least 2 full consecutive years immediately prior thereto.
Applicants must be residents of or hold credentials in the district where they make application and appear before its credentials committee, and shall have been a member of the district in which he or she is seeking ordination at least 1 year.
In order to maintain active status, ordained ministers shall be engaged in viable ministry and proclamation of the gospel except for cases of disability, retirement, or other valid circumstances as determined by the general secretary.
We ordain ministers once a year at our Annual Network Conference. In order to be considered for Ordination all candidates must complete the pre-application questionnaire for the SNEMN credentialing office and it must be approved by your sectional Presbyter and your Pastor. You must complete the pre-application questionnaire by September 1st and ALL paperwork including the exam must be received by December 31st.
Ministers Transferring OUT of Southern New England
Ministers from the Southern New England Ministry Network establishing residence in another Network, need to complete this form. Please fill out the form completely and send it to Alyssa.
Once the form is received, we will process your information and transfer your credential.
Please note: the General Council requires Ministers to complete a transfer within 60 days of moving to a new Network.
Ministers Transferring INTO Southern New England
Ministers transferring into the Southern New England Ministry Network from another Network need to request a transfer from their Network. That Network will send the paperwork to Southern New England and we will process the transfer. We will notify the minister when the transfer into Southern New England is complete.
Please note: the General Council requires Ministers to complete a transfer within 60 days of moving to a new Network.
For more information contact Paul:
508.248.3711 Ext. 738
Ministers whose renewal applications are not postmarked by January 15 shall be recorded as lapsed as of December 31. They must make application for reinstatement and pay a nonrefundable fee of $100. Contact the Minister Development Office to request a reinstatement application.
Ministers seeking reinstatement anytime after March 31 must complete the pre-application questionnaire for the SNEMN credentialing office and it must be approved by your sectional Presbyter and your Senior Pastor prior to officially starting the reinstatement application process.
Once the completed pre-application is received, we will send you the application, accompanying forms, and directions.
Ministers applying for reinstatement after 2 years of being lapsed will be invited to interview with the credentials interview committee. Ministers applying for reinstatement after 7 years of being lapsed will be invited to re-take the exam.
Current information about a range of legal and tax issues significant for credentialed ministers is provided by Assemblies of God legal counsel, Richard Hammar, at these sites:
In addition, ministers and churches are encouraged to contact their insurer’s website and/or legal departments for guidance in a number of these key areas.