SNEMN Leader’s Israel Trip

CANCELLED for 2024

watch for our new dates!

It is our firm belief that every minister should go to Israel at least once in their lifetime. It is a transformative experience that brings the reality of God’s interaction with humanity alive in new ways. That’s why we’d like to invite our SNEMN credentialed ministers and spouses to join us on January 14-25, 2024 for our SNEMN Leader’s Israel Trip.

“Five gospels record the life of Jesus. Four you will find in books and the one you will find in the land they call Holy. Read the fifth gospel and the world of the four will open to you.”
Author, Translator, Saint

This trip is specifically designed for credentialed leaders and their spouses in Southern New England. We have a trusted guide in Dr. Paul Conway, who pastors in our network and has served with the AG Center for Holy Land Studies. Paul is a wonderful teacher and will be a great resource before and after the trip. 

Though the trip will be educational in nature, we have also crafted moments where of pause and reflection during some of our most sacred sites. We’ll consider what it means to be called on the same shores where the disciples were called. We’ll consider what it’s like to face opposition in ministry on the cliffs of Nazareth. 

One of the added benefits of traveling with other SNEMN leaders is that these conversations don’t have to end in Israel but can continue when we return to the places we serve.

“We walked down a steep path and through a small discreet door in the wall. We stepped inside the garden of olive trees. We shared communion that morning in the Garden of Gethsemane. I'll always see the swaying branches of those trees every time I take that cup.”
Don Doré
SNEMN Team Member

BASIC ITINERARY:  10 days, 9 nights in Israel and 2 days of travel.

ORIENTATION DATE:  October 17, 1:00 to 3:00pm.

Have questions?  Click here to email Andrew Colón

Looking to take your church to Israel?

SNEMN Churches Israel Trip:

Mar 10 - 21, 2024